Online Learn Opposites What Is In The Picture And Tick The Right Option

Match the pictures and words on our multiple-choice English Opposites online exercise with and you will mark the correct English words.

Alphabet vocabulary you will learn in these worksheets: Construction - Destruction, Cold - Hot, Cute - Ugly, Acute - Obtuse, Ceiling - Floor, Careless - Cautious, Awful - Delicious, Cheap - Expensive, Danger - Safety, Balance - Fall, Comedy - Drama, Angry - Happy, Cheerful - Sad, Black - White, Bad - Good, Ancient - New, Build - Destroy, Awful - Excellent, Big - Small, Absent - Present,

Acute - Obtuse

Big - Small

Awful - Delicious

Awful - Excellent

Danger - Safety

Black - White

Careless - Cautious

Ancient - New

Balance - Fall

Build - Destroy

Construction - Destruction

Angry - Happy

Cold - Hot

Bad - Good

Ceiling - Floor

Cheap - Expensive

Comedy - Drama

Absent - Present

Cute - Ugly

Cheerful - Sad

Correct - Incorrect